4×4 Cubicles | Herman Miller Call Center Cubicles
Herman Miller Call Center Cubicles
Office Cubicles for call centers manufactured by Herman Miller® 62” cubicle panel height with a standard cubicle size of 4x4 the most common size for call center cubicles. Each call center cubicle consist of (1) 48x24 worksurface, (1) File/File storage pedestal, (1) 48” shelf with tasklight, powered down the spine with one duplex receptacle per cubicle. Each pod of 10 is powered up with a basefeed, power poles available upon request.
Currently out of stock in this model of Office Cubicle, Call 972-245-2444 as we may have an alternative to this office cubicle not listed on our site.
Cubicle Finish Colors
Fabric: 3865 Vertical Surface Solid “Inner Tone” Paint: MT “Medium Tone” Worksurface: HT “Inner Tone” Sold in pods of 10 per overhead drawing below, however they can be built in other configuration please call for help in designing your office space. CubicleDepot can help you maximize the per square foot use of your office space per square foot employee ratio.